SOR1 - Principle Beliefs of Judaism
Belief in One God
- One God who is the Creator and Ruler of the Universe
- Most fundamental Jewish belief
- God is known as YHWH (Yahweh)
- This belief forms the center of the Shema Prayer:
- “Hear O Israel, God is Our God, God the One and Only” (Deuteronomy 6:4)
- G-d is both Transcendent and Immanent:
- Transcendent: G-d is intangible/not of physical form
- Immanent: G-d interacts with people’s lives through the Covenant
- G-d is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient (G-d is everywhere, knows everything and is all-powerful)
- G-d is referred to as Anthropomorphic in the TaNaKh. While G-d is canonically intangible, many sections of the TaNaKh seem to imply that G-d has a physical form, such as Genesis 2, where G-d “breathed into his (Adam’s) nostrils the breath of life.”
Divinely Inspired Moral law
- Laws given by G-d to guide Jews in ethics and morality
- The belief that G-d has provided Jewish Adherents with a code of ethics to guide them in their daily decisions
- Jews are encouraged to study the Torah in order to understand G-d’s teachings
- Binds Jews to G-d
- Also known as MITZVOT
- 248 do’s
- 365 don’ts
- Covers all aspects of life as a Jew (marriage, Shabbat, Passover, Sabbath)
Variant Beliefs around the Mitzvot/Divinely Inspired Moral Law Orthodox - The moral code laid down by G-d is complete and non-evolving in its application to all situations for the past, present and future. - The main role of Talmudic scholars and halakhic lawyers is to find the exact authority within the text to justify behaviour for the case at hand. Conservative - The Written Torah is open to some re-interpretation in light of changing circumstances as the text does not represent the literal word of God. Progressive - Place greater emphasis on the broad principles established in the moral to guide ethical decision making in new situations.
The Covenant
- A promise from G-d to the Jewish people in exchange for certain obligations
- Affirms the unique relationship between G-d and the Jewish people
- Halachah: Jewish Law
- The covenant is a legal requirement for Jews. By breaking the Laws, you abandon toe Covenant
- Example: Noahic Covenant
- Obligation: Noah and his family were called to live in G-d’s image and walk His path by caring for all of Creation
- Privilege: G-d promised to save Noah’s family from the Flood
- Sign of the Covenant: the Rainbow