
## Science - Genetics
AlleleAny of the possible forms of a gene, e.g. Tall/short
GenotypeThe combination of alleles/genes in a chromosomal pair
PhenotypeThe visible trait caused by a genotype
Homozygous AllelesBoth chromosomes for a trait have the same allele (Both Dominant or both recessive)
Heterozygous AllelesOne chromosome has the Dominant allele, while the other has the recessive allele. An organism with Heterozygous Alleles will display the characteristics of the Dominant allele.
MitosisThe process by which one parent cell splits into two identical daughter cells.
HaploidA cell with half the usual number of chromosomes. Usually only occurs in sex cells (sperm and ova). Represented as n (n=23 in humans)
DiploidA cell with the usual number of chromosomes. represented as 2n (2n=46 in humans)
MeiosisThe process by which one diploid parent cell splits into 4 haploid daughter cells.
## SOR1 - Sacred Texts of Judaism
TaNaKhHebrew Bible. Consists of 24 books.
TorahFirst 5 books of the TaNaKh, means "teachings" or "The Law"
Nevi'imBooks 6-13 of the TaNaKh, means "Prophets". Contains the teachings of the 7 Major and 12 Minor Prophets.
KetuvimBooks 14-24 of the TaNaKh, means "Writings". Contains narrations believed to be written under Divine Inspiration.
TalmudA Legal commentary on the TaNaKh, explaining how its commandments are to be lived out. Consists of 2 books.
MishnahThe Mishnah is the Oral Law. It includes lessons and quotations from sages, scholars and rabbis. Core text of the Talmud.
GemaraAn expansion to the Mishnah, contains Halachah.
Pranav Sharma
Pranav Sharma
Site Owner

UNSW Student, site owner and developer.
